
What was Sam Cooke's first big hit?

Why did Sam Cooke add an E to his name?

Early life. Cooke was born Samuel Cook in Clarksdale, Mississippi, in 1931 (he added the "e" to his last name in 1957 to signify a new start to his life). He was the fifth of eight children of the Rev. Charles Cook, a minister in the Church of Christ (Holiness), and his wife, Annie Mae.

Who owns Sam Cooke's music?

Although already divorced, Sam insisted on paying for her funeral. His youngest son, Vincent, from his second marriage, drowned in the family swimming pool when he was only 18 months old. His manager, Allen Klein, owned Tracey, Ltd., the organization that eventually owned all rights to Cooke's music.Jan 18, 2017

What part of Mississippi is Sam Cooke from?

He was born on 22 January 1931, in Clarksdale, Mississippi, the fourth child of Rev. Charles Cooke and Annie May Cooke.

image-What was Sam Cooke's first big hit?
image-What was Sam Cooke's first big hit?
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